Jun 1, 2016

Sumner Redstone Seeks to Dismiss Lawsuit by Viacom CEO

Lawyers for media mogul Sumner Redstone on Monday filed a motion to dismiss a lawsuit in Massachusetts court alleging Redstone wasn’t mentally competent when he removed two trustees of entities that control Viacom Inc. and CBS Corp. Redstone’s attorneys are asking the probate court in Canton to toss out the lawsuit, saying Redstone has not been deemed incompetent by a court or by …

Lawsuit: Baylor Fostered ‘Hunting Ground’ for Sexual Assault

A third federal lawsuit filed against Baylor University accuses the Waco, Texas-based school of creating a “hunting ground for sexual predators.” A former Baylor student identified as Jane Doe says in the lawsuit filed Monday that she was drugged and abducted from an off-campus residence …

Sandy Hook Families’ Lawsuit Challenged by Gun Manufacturer

Remington Arms, parent company of the manufacturer of the assault rifle used by Adam Lanza in the Newtown elementary school shooting, returned to a Connecticut courtroom today to ask a judge to strike a lawsuit by families of nine victims who died and by one teacher who was wounded but survived. The shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012 killed 20 students and six educators. …

Lawsuit: Security Guards Chased Accused Shoplifter to Death

The family of a suspected shoplifter who drowned after running from Arundel Mills mall security officers is suing the shopping center’s security staff for allegedly chasing him to his death. The Capital reports (http://bit.ly/28Io7Ri) Tavon Talley’s family filed the lawsuit against Valor Security Services and Mydatt Services in Baltimore City Circuit Court in February. The …

Puerto Rico Hit With Lawsuit as Key Debt Negotiations Stall

A group of bondholders on Tuesday sued Puerto Rico’s government as debt negotiations fell apart less than two weeks ahead of what would be the largest default in the island’s history. The suit filed in New York by holders of general obligation bonds seeks to invalidate a debt moratorium and fiscal emergency law passed in early April as the island struggles to restructure $70 billion in public …

Can Employers Enforce Class-Action Waivers in Arbitration Agreements?

Courts have generally enforced arbitration agreements if they allow employees to exercise their rights and aren’t too one-sided in favor of the employer. However, conflicting decisions by federal appeals courts have left employers uncertain as to whether they can require employees to sign class-action waivers as part of …

New ABA Book Offers an Up-To-Date Analysis of Class Action Law in Each State « ABA News Archives

The book serves as a valuable tool for both in-house and outside counsels who confront the prospect of litigating class actions in state forums with which they may have little or no experience and must make informed recommendations on removal. Succinct summaries are prepared by litigators from each of the respective states and address changes in rules and statutes as well as significant case …