Oct 1, 2016

Rush to Courts Feared in Class Actions, at Cost to Business

Rush to courts feared in class actions, at cost to business Share Share via Email Share on Google Plus Post on facebook wall Share on twitter Post to Linkedin Share on Reddit One of the most significant class action judgments has been handed down. Lawyers have warned of a possible “rush” to the courts to file class actions after the full Federal Court gave the green light to controversial …

Family of Slain 6-Year-Old Files Lawsuit Against Town of Marksville

A family has filed a federal lawsuit against the town where two deputy marshals will stand trial for second-degree murder. Documents show that the lawsuit was filed Thursday, Oct. 27 on behalf of the family of Jeremy Mardis, the 6-year-old boy with autism who died after he was shot six times during an alleged traffic stop. The child’s father, Christopher Few, was also critically injured during …

Major Charities Rethink Contracts With Appco Amid Class Action, Exploitation Claims

Some of Australia’s best-known charities are urgently demanding explanations and are considering cutting ties with fundraising giant Appco, as young donation-collectors claim they were exploited, underpaid and bullied. A large class action lawsuit looms in the Federal Court against marketing company Appco to attempt to recover up to $80 million for up to 8000 former workers who rattled …

Houston Lawyer Brings EpiPen Lawsuit

Lawyers in Houston are representing consumers in the Midwest who have sued Mylan, the pharmaceutical company, for “deliberate and reprehensible price gouging” …

Life Care Centers of America, Inc. Agrees to Settle Qui Tam Lawsuit Alleging That the Nursing Home Company Billed Medicare and TRICARE for Unnecessary Medical Services; Agrees to Pay $145 Million

The Department of Justice (DOJ) recently announced the settlement of a consolidated False Claims Act (FCA) lawsuit that was filed against private nursing home company Life Care Centers of America, Inc. (“Life Care”). The lawsuit alleges that, between January 2006 and February 2013, Life Care engaged in health care fraud by submitting false claims to Medicare and …

California City to Pay $100K to Settle Pot Shop Raid Lawsuit

A California city will pay $100,000 to settle a lawsuit alleging police harassment during a raid on a marijuana dispensary. The city of Santa Ana will also drop misdemeanor charges against a dozen people accused of unlawfully operating Sky High Holistic, the Orange County Register reported Wednesday (http://bit.ly/2eLDNmS ). Attorney Matthew Pappas said the money will go to two Sky High …

Lawsuit Claims Rampant Violence, Crime at Savannah State

The family of a Savannah State student, mourning the loss of their son. Now that family is looking for answers- and someone to pay for what they call negligence. That’s why they, along with the victim of another SSU shooting, have filed a lawsuit, which names the school, but is targeted at the people they say are responsible.

Judge Approves Byron Allen’s $10 Billion Discrimination Lawsuit

Comedian and Entertainment Studios Networks (ESN) CEO Byron Allen (“Comics Unleashed”) scored a legal victory on Monday (October 24) when a federal judge permitted his $10 billion racial discrimination lawsuit against Charter Communications to continue. Deadline reports that federal district court judge George Wu rejected Charter’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit filed by ESN and the National …

Woman Sues l’Oreal for $5m After Relaxer ‘Left Her Partially Bald’

A New York woman is suing L’Oreal for $5million in damages after a hair relaxer allegedly left her head covered in bald spots and burns. Delicia Taylor is claiming the SoftSheen-Carson Optimum Amla Legend No-Mix, No-Lye Relaxer caused large patches of her hair to fall out. Taylor also said the product, which promises ‘fuller, silkier hair’, caused her scalp to blister and scab, according to the …

Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Challenging Minnesota Teachers Union…

District Judge Margaret Marrinan ruled late Wednesday that the case against Gov. Mark Dayton, state Education Commissioner Brenda Cassellius, St. Paul Public Schools and three other districts did not show Minnesota’s teachers union protections were directly connected to the academic achievement gap or students of color receiving ineffective teachers. Marrinan’s ruling said the issues raised by …