Mar 1, 2017

$500,000 Lawsuit Centered Around Stan Lee’s Failed NHL Superheroes

The first red flag should’ve been Stan Lee’s involvement with something new. A Santa Monica judge has ruled in favor of a company that was defrauded for $500,000 by a producer who tricked it into investing in a bizarre failed marketing scheme for the National Hockey League. Filmula Entertainment was approached by Aldo LaPietra in 2012, with promises that the NHL’s “Guardian Project”—a Stan Lee- …

Lawsuit-Abuse Watchdog to Monitor State Taxotere Litigation After Lawsuit Filings Surge in Louisiana

A recent, sudden surge in Taxotere lawsuit filings in the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of Louisiana has caught Louisiana Lawsuit Abuse Watch’s attention. According to a news release from Schmidt National Law Group, the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation’s Feb. 15 docket report shows 755 pending actions in the Taxotere litigation, up 50 from the panel’s …

Scranton Landlords Joining Class-Action Lawsuit Against Rental-Registration Fees

More than 100 Scranton landlords recently joined a pending class-action lawsuit that challenges the city’s rental registration fees as arbitrary and excessive, and seeks refunds. The city’s revision of rental registration rules in 2014, imposing fees of $150 per building, $50 per unit and inspections, spurred a lawsuit in 2015 in Lackawanna County Court from landlord Adam Guiffrida. His lawsuit …

Video: VW Faces £5 Million Legal Claim in Biggest Ever Scots Class Action Over Emissions Scandal

He insisted that fewer than half of the UK vehicles caught up in the Volkswagen emissions scandal had been fixed. Around 470,000 of the 1.2m vehicles fitted with software to cheat environmental tests had been dealt with, he said. But he was attacked for failing to give answers to straight answers, repeatedly using phrases such as “to the best of my knowledge” and “I can’t recall” and last week …

Lawsuit Claims Prescription Dog Food Contains No Medicine

Some of the largest pet food suppliers in the country have been overcharging pet owners by charging more for prescription dog food when it doesn’t actually include any medicine, according to a Greenville lawyer who is working on a class-action lawsuit against those pet food manufactures. Lynwood Evans, a lawyer at Ward and Smith P.A.’s Greenville office, is working on the lawsuit along with …

Saudi Arabia Faces $6bln U.S. Lawsuit by Sept. 11 Insurers

Nearly 3,000 people died when hijacked airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon near Washington, D.C., and a Pennsylvania field. Advertisement The Saudi government has long denied involvement. Lawyers for the government and the charity, the Saudi High Commission for Relief of Bosnia & Herzegovina, on Friday declined to comment or could not immediately be reached …

Denver Student Wins Lawsuit Against President’s Travel Ban

Zakaria Hagig filed suit against President Trump over his initial travel ban. DENVER – A full time student at the Community College of Denver, who is from Libya, is claiming victory in the lawsuit he filed over President Trump’s initial travel ban. The travel ban went into effect January 27.

Apple Just Won ALawsuit in China Regarding Design Violation

A Beijing court has overturned a ruling that Apple’s iPhone 6 violated a Chinese manufacturer’s patent which saw the US tech giant ordered to cease selling the smartphone in China. In May last year the Beijing intellectual property bureau had ruled that Apple violated design patents of Chinese maker Shenzhen Baili with its iPhone6 and iPhone 6 Plus, and would be barred from selling those …

Users File Class Action Lawsuit Against Microsoft Over Botched Windows 10 Upgrades

Three angry Windows 10 users have filed a lawsuit against Microsoft over botched Windows 10 upgrades, which plaintiffs claim destroyed their data, damaged computers, and incurred lost time and money. In their complaint, the three accuse Microsoft of launching a product (Windows 10) that was not “fit for the ordinary purposes for which such goods are used,” and not “adequately contained, …