After Baylor Is Hit With Lawsuit Alleging 52 Rapes by Football Team, Basketball Coach Leaves Parents Fuming

Baylor University women’s basketball coach Kim Mulkey delivered a harsh speech Saturday to parents who have pledged not to send their daughters to the school.

The school was rocked by scandal last month when a former student filed a lawsuit against the university, alleging 52 acts of rape committed by football players.

The student, who is named as Elizabeth Doe, said that she was raped by Baylor football players in 2013 and that the school failed to investigate in a timely manner, as required by the law Title IX.

The school was already riddled with allegations of sexual assault, but the new lawsuit claimed the number of sexual assaults is much higher than previously thought.

From the Dallas Morning News:

Her lawsuit includes an allegation that 31 Baylor football players committed at least 52 acts of rape, including five gang rapes, between 2011 and 2014.

The lawsuit also made other disturbing claims, including that school officials paid off sexual assault victims to stay quiet.

But, the horrifying allegations aren’t stopping the women’s basketball coach from bashing parents concerned about the safety of their  daughters.

Mulkey addressed the crowd after snagging the Big 12 season title at a game on Saturday.

She told the crowd:

“If somebody is around you and they ever say, ‘I will never send my daughter to Baylor,’ you should knock them right in the face.

Because these kids are on this campus. I work here. My daughter went to school here and it’s the damn best school in America.”

She later explained the statements in a press conference, attributing the strong words to negative media coverage. She said:

“I work here every day. I’m in the know, and I’m tired of hearing it. This is a great institution. The problems we have at Baylor are no different than the problems at any other school in America, period. Move on. Find another story to write.”

But social media users weren’t buying it. Her statements prompted widespread backlash across platforms like Twitter.

Baylor University has yet to respond to the fallout surrounding the statements, but they did have time to tweet their congratulations to Mulkey.


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