Announcing a Class Action Settlement Involving All Persons Who Were Sent a Text Message by Uber Technologies, Inc. Between December 31, 2010 and August 17, 2017

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SOURCE United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois

CHICAGO, Oct. 9, 2017 /PRNewswire/ —

The United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois has authorized this notice.  This is not an advertisement and not a solicitation from a lawyer.

A proposed settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit against Uber Technologies, Inc. (“Uber”) regarding text messages allegedly sent in violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, 47 U.S.C. § 227 et seq. (“TCPA”), from December 31, 2010 to August 17, 2017 (“Class Period”).  The case is Vergara, et al. v. Uber Technologies, Inc. Case No. 1:15-CV-06942 (N.D. Ill.). This case was brought as a class action alleging that Uber violated the TCPA by sending automated text messages without consent to individuals’ cellphones.  Uber denies the allegations.  The Court has not decided who is right, and the Parties have chosen to settle their dispute.  This notice provides only a summary of the allegations.

Class Members may be entitled to compensation from this Settlement if they fall within at least one of the following Settlement Classes: A) All persons or entities within the U.S. who, during the Class Period, used or subscribed to a wireless or cellular service and were sent one or more non-emergency text messages, utilizing Twilio Inc.’s system, in connection with Uber’s Refer-a-Friend Program; B) All persons or entities within the U.S. who, during the Class Period, started Uber’s driver application process but did not become an “active” driver in Uber’s system, who used or subscribed to a wireless or cellular service, and to whom Uber sent one or more non-emergency text messages after the user or subscriber requested Uber to discontinue sending text messages; and C)  All persons or entities within the U.S. who, during the Class Period, were not party to a contract with Uber and/or who did not provide his or her cellular phone number to Uber, and who used or subscribed to a wireless or cellular service to which Uber sent one or more non-emergency text messages.

Uber has agreed to create a fund totaling $20,000,000 to pay valid claims, settlement administration expenses, attorneys’ fees of up to $6,660,000, costs and expenses, and class representative service awards to the six Class Representatives of $10,000 each. To receive a payment, Class Members must submit a claim form by December 15, 2017. The amount individual Class Members may be eligible to receive will be dependent on the total number of Class Members who submit valid claims, which is currently unknown. Class Members can file a claim online at the website or submit a claim by mail. Visit or call 1-800-330-1683 for more information on filing a claim.  Uber has also agreed to alter its texting practices as explained in the detailed notice and Settlement Agreement located at

Class Members who do not want to be legally bound by the Settlement must exclude themselves by December 15, 2017. Class Members who do not exclude themselves will release their claims against Uber, as more fully described in the Settlement Agreement. Class Members who stay in the Settlement may object to it by December 22, 2017. The Detailed Notice available at explains how to exclude or object.  The Court is scheduled to hold a hearing on January 23, 2018 to consider whether to approve the Settlement, Class Counsel’s request for attorneys’ fees of up to $6,660,000 plus costs and expenses, and service awards for the Class Representatives of $10,000 each. Class Members can appear at the hearing, but do not have to.  Class Members can hire their own attorney, at their own expense, to appear or speak at the hearing. 

Please do not contact the Court, Uber, or Uber’s counsel with questions regarding this lawsuit. Class Members who have questions or want a detailed notice or other documents about this lawsuit and their rights can visit  Class Members may also contact the Settlement Administrator by calling 1-800-330-1683.

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