Attorneys to File Amended Lawsuit in Fresno Tainted Water Case

 At least 40 people have now signed onto a class action lawsuit surrounding lead-tainted water in Northeast Fresno.  Fresno Attorney Stuart Chandler has also agreed to join the case.  The lawsuit claims that the city’s negligence corroded interior plumbing inside of homes and created health concerns.

The team of attorneys met with Fresno residents this past weekend, as they prepare to file an amended complaint this week against the city. The new complaint basically contains the meat of the original claims for damages filed against the city by homeowners, accusing Fresno of being negligent and reckless. In January, Fresno officials launched a massive investigation into discolored water complaints, where they found lead present in hundreds of homes.  It was later determined that improper treatment of the water by city officials is what ultimately caused premature corrosion of plumbing.  Attorneys now claim this has not only been a nuisance for people, but has lowered home values and even caused health problems. Fresno attorney Stuart Chandler says, “We’re just beginning to find some of the individuals who have come forth with some pretty serious health issues that appear to be linked to be excessive content of lead in their water.” The lawsuit also names plumbing company Vulcan Construction claiming it improperly installed water meters within the city, which is believed to have also caused corrosion.  The city declined to comment on these developments pending litigation, but it did send a water crew recently to Virginia Tech University to meet with the man who uncovered water issues in Flint, Michigan- Dr. Mark Edwards- as it continues looking for a solution.

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