Bernie Sanders Campaign Pays National City

National City has received a payout from the Bernie Sanders Campaign after a lawsuit was filed in August, Mayor Ron Morrison told NBC 7.

The costs are from a rally at Kimball Park, shortly before California’s presidential primary in May 2016.

Monday, Morrison said they treated the debt just like any other owed to the city. The city is usually paid in advance, he said, but because the rally was a last-minute event, they approved a post-event payment.

In an interview in August, Morrison told NBC 7, the Bernie Sanders campaign owed more than $31,000 to National City.

Morrison said after delivering an invoice and several calls to the campaign, correspondence was not returned.

The city was directed to get their money from the Secret Service, according to Morrison. But the Secret Service said it did not pay for costs associated with campaigns.

The city had then turned the matter over to a collection agency, which filed a lawsuit against the Bernie Sanders Campaign in Vermont.

He added that this did not have anything to do with politics.

Monday, Morrison said the city had received payment from the campaign.

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