Fan Sues Tidal, Kanye West Over Album

Superstar Kanye West has millions of devoted fans all over the world who were eagerly awaiting his latest album, “The Life of Pablo.” When it dropped in February during Fashion Week in New York, he tweeted “My album will never never never be on Apple. And it will never be for sale… You can only get in on Tidal.”

On April 1, he tweeted “The Life of Pablo is now available for purchase.” It immediately became available on other platforms and streaming services. That reversal ticked off a California man who is filing a class action lawsuit saying consumers were misled.

Kanye fans we spoke to had mixed reactions to the issue.

There was another bonus for Kanye besides more money by expanding the album’s distribution: sales could be counted toward a Billboard ranking.

At the end of the day, the experts and fans agree: Kanye can pretty much do whatever he wants as long as he keeps making great music.
