FedEx Facing Discrimination Lawsuit

Memphis, TN – There are explosive allegations against FedEx from a worker who claims he is being discriminated against because he’s gay.

Now the company is facing a $750,000 lawsuit.

The truck driver works in Wisconsin, but the lawsuit was filed in Memphis since that is where Federal Express is headquartered.

The plaintiff, Paul Sawicki, claims he came out to a fellow FedEx worker at a party and right after he started being harassed.

The lawsuit said a penis and testicles were painted on his trailer and the word pedophile was etched on it as well. It also said Sawicki was called a gay slur at work.

The suit also said the company’s human resources department asked Sawicki if he associated with young men, a co-worker exposed his genitals to Sawicki and he was forced by his supervisor to use a different door than the rest of the employees.

Will Batts from OUT Memphis said this is unacceptable.

He told FOX13 Thursday, “This is the kind of thing we did with in school, name calling, threatening, harassment, making fun of people laughing at them, that’s not how adults should act, especially in the workplace.”

Batts said FedEx and some of the larger Fortune 500 companies do have progressive policies in place for gay employees but, “it comes down to the personal interaction between you and your coworker, you and your boss and sometimes that doesn’t always filter down to the people on the ground.”

FedEx issued this statement: “FedEx Ground takes these allegations seriously and is committed to maintaining a work environment that is free from harassment or discrimination of any kind.  Although we have not yet been formally served with this lawsuit, we are investigating the claims raised in the complaint.”

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