Last year, California enacted a swath of new gun controls laws, and voters passed Proposition 63 in November, which contained many of the same provisions, including a requirement to have a permit to purchase ammunition, a ban on importing ammunition from other states, a ban on even possessing “high capacity” magazines, and an expanded assault weapons ban.
A new federal lawsuit, Rupp v. Becerra, was filed late Monday by the NRA and the California Rifle and Pistol Association (CRPA) and challenges the expanded assault weapons ban, saying it’s unconstitutional because it bans firearms that are “in common use.”
State officials reacted with the typical propaganda. Noted assault weapons expert Kevin “Ghost Gun” de León said:
“Background checks and other gun laws California has enacted have saved lives and are key in making our mortality rate one of the lowest in the nation. I am confident that the courts will reject the NRA’s arguments – just as our voters did in November, and uphold California’s right to implement common-sense policies to protect its people.”
Ahh, the “common-sense” phrase.
Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, proponent of Prop. 63, said:
“The people of California have already spoken loudly and they soundly rejected the NRA’s deceit and profit-driven agenda. Whatever challenge the NRA throws down against California’s voters, we’ll rise against it. We’ll never stop fighting to save lives by reducing gun violence.”
That’s right, Gavin! You and the oppressed anti-gun people are gonna stand up to the man!
Chuck Michel, attorney for the Plaintiffs, said more lawsuits will be filed to challenge other aspects of last year’s gun control package.