SALEM, Ore. — Oregon’s former prisons watchdog has filed a $3 million suit against the state Department of Corrections and its director, saying he was fired in retaliation for raising ethical concerns.
As inspector general, Leonard Williamson was tasked with investigating misconduct within the prison system. He was fired on Oct. 23, 2015.
In a 16-page complaint filed in federal court earlier this month, Williamson alleges he was fired after raising questions about whether DOC Director Colette Peters, a former inspector general herself, was abusing her authority by engaging in nepotism.
DOC Communications Administrator Liz Craig declined to comment on specifics, but said via email that Peters’ personnel decisions were lawful and the department intends to “fully cooperate in the legal process as it takes its course.”
Williamson’s attorneys declined to comment.
Peters is named as a defendant in her personal capacity.
Court filings and a tort claim notice give the following account of Williamson’s complaint:
Williamson alleges Peters would intentionally create job vacancies “to appoint her personal friends, even if not the most qualified.”
The complaint claims Peters hired three friends into director and assistant director positions at the DOC, and intended to do the same when investigating and eventually firing Williamson.
In June 2015, the DOC human resources department began investigating Williamson over two previously resolved incidents. He feared the probe was an effort to undermine his credibility and that the investigator had a conflict of interest.
Williamson hired an attorney who filed a public records request for some of Peters’ emails, believing they contained potentially exculpatory statements.
In August, Williamson learned that Peters planned to replace him. The next month, he filed a complaint with the Oregon Government Ethics Commission and indicated his intention to sue.
The commission’s director later told The Oregonian that the complaint did not include enough information to fall within its purview.
Williamson’s intent to sue notice was released to the media, and he claims the resulting news coverage damaged his professional reputation.
A human resources investigation into Williamson concluded on Oct. 19, 2015. No wrongdoing was found.
The same day, Peters notified Williamson of her intent to remove him if he would not withdraw his legal claims. Peters reportedly offered him a three-month reassignment in exchange for backing down. He claims he refused and was fired.
His suit requests a jury trial and relief for violation of first amendment and due-process rights, whistleblowing retaliation and wrongful discharge.
No trial date has been set, and the state has not yet filed a response. Summonses have been issued for Peters and the DOC.