Fox News Secretly Settled Another Sexual Harassment Lawsuit With Blockbuster Allegations

Sexual predators have to stick together, amirite?

Being a woman and working at Fox News must’ve been (and may still be) an absolute nightmare. On the heels of a  $20 million settlement with Gretch Carlson over sexual harassment claims against former Fox chief Roger Ailes, it turns out the network secretly settled another  sexual harassment lawsuit:

In the weeks after Roger Ailes was ousted as the chairman of Fox News in July, amid a sexual harassment scandal, company executives secretly struck an agreement with a longtime on-air personality who had come forward with similar accusations about the network’s top host, Bill O’Reilly.

The employee, Juliet Huddy, had said that Mr. O’Reilly pursued a sexual relationship with her in 2011, at a time he exerted significant influence over her career. When she rebuffed his advances, he tried to derail her career, according to a draft of a letter from her lawyers to Fox News that was obtained by The New York Times.

The letter includes allegations that Mr. O’Reilly had called Ms. Huddy repeatedly and that it sometimes sounded like he was masturbating. He invited her to his house on Long Island, tried to kiss her, took her to dinner and the theater, and after asking her to return a key to his hotel room, appeared at the door in his boxer shorts, according to the letter.

Emphasis added. Sorry. My eyes are also burning from reading that. And like Roger Ailes, Bill O’Reilly is alleged to have tried to make his victim pay a career-ending price for rebuffing him. 

Bill O’Reilly and Fox News  settled a different sexual harassment lawsuit in 2004 . Ever the victim, O’Reilly refused to apologize to the former producer, Andrea Mackris, who also noted O’Reilly liked to call her on the phone:

The top-rated cable news host has said he was humiliated by the suit, which charged that he spoke to Mackris about sexual fantasies, masturbation and vibrators while sometimes seeming to pleasure himself. But for O’Reilly to strike a settlement without an expression of regret, which is often demanded in litigation against high-profile figures, is a partial victory that spares him further embarrassment.

Can someone get a handle on the grown men at Fox News? Are there any adults over there? No wonder Megyn Kelly is jumping ship and leaving the cesspool of sexual harassment that is Fox News. After all, she also shared  sexual harassment allegations against Roger Ailes  when investigators hired by Fox News started looking into his behavior. 
