The organizers of last weekend’s spectacularly bungled Fyre Fest are now offering refunds to people who paid way too much for tickets — even if those people have to fill out applications to get their money back — but that’s not enough for at least one of the ticket-buyers. As SPIN points out, the high-powered attorney Mark Geragos has filed a $100 million federal class action lawsuit on behalf of ticket-buyer Daniel Jung.
Geragos has posted a few pages of the paperwork that he’s filed against festival organizers Billy McFarland and Ja Rule, as well as their company Fyre Media, Inc. The lawsuit holds them liable for fraud and breach of contract, and its text includes the following:
The festival’s lack of adequate food, water, shelter, and medical care created a dangerous and panicked situation among attendees — suddenly finding themselves stranded on a remote island without basic provisions — that was closer to The Hunger Games or Lord Of The Flies than Coachella. Festival-goers survived on bare rations, little more than bread and a slice of cheese, and tried to escape the elements in the only shelter provided by Defendants: small clusters of “FEMA tendts.”
Here’s what Geragos posted:
We just filed Federal Class Action against Fyre Media for festival of horror. Refunding ticket price is not enough! @markgeragos
— Ben Meiselas (@meiselasb) May 1, 2017
Geragos has also posted a statement about the lawsuit on Twitter:
Official Statement on #Fyrefestival Class Action
— Ben Meiselas (@meiselasb) May 1, 2017
That’s the problem with ripping off rich people: Rich people tend to have lawyers.