GOP Pushes Bill Inhibiting Americans From Filing Class-Action Lawsuits Against Large Corporations

In recent years, companies have increasingly relied on legal fine print to avoid the lawsuits, inserting language into contracts requiring disputes to be settled by private arbitrators, not the courts. In the final years of the Obama administration, regulators moved to limit those arbitration clauses, proposing rules that ban them from student loan agreements and some financial services.

“If this bill becomes law, it will deny justice to Americans who suffer from financial fraud and deceptive scams, massive civil and human rights violations, or unsafe products and toxic workplaces that cause horrific injuries and deaths.”

“The President has continued to be overwhelmingly silent on this issue,” said Paul Bland of the legal group Public Justice. “If I were a corporate-side lobbyist, I would be deeply concerned that this will turn out to be an issue like trade, for example, where the President does not follow lockstep with traditional Republican lobbyists and donors.”

Bland sees the bill as an “enormous betrayal” of the promises Trump made on the campaign trail. But if Trump were to sign legislation that would have specifically limited his liability on his Trump University scam, we’ll know exactly who he’s looking out for. “America first” may not have meant “Americans first” at all.
