Grovetown Still Seeing Ripple Effects After Settling Class Action Lawsuit

GROVETOWN, GA. (WRDW/WAGT) — The City of Grovetown is making some staffing changes as problems continue for the city’s water department.

For better or for worse, the city of Grovetown is going through a lot of changes.

“In general, I have found that most of the way things are done have not been the right way as far as I’m concerned,” said Mayor Gary Jones.

Mayor Gary Jones himself is part of that change, in office for just over one year. During that time, the city handled lawsuits and a federal investigation into missing city funds.

“With this embezzlement, you never know, and I was always checking my bill,” explained Antonia Palmer, “I would always look at it and compare it from the last month to this month.”

Ending with City Clerk, Vicky Capetillo being fired.

“Moving forward, once this investigation plays out, that that will correct itself,” said Jones.

Flash forward to today, more changes including letting two longtime employees go. One of them, City Attorney, Brendan Fleming.

And now, longtime Utility Billing Supervisor, Renee Beard who, according to a performance plan, was leaving bank bags unsecured and sending water bills out late, among other things.

“I have no doubt I’m headed in the right direction,” said Jones.

The city also changed from postcard invoices to water bills sealed in envelopes. They also installed new water meters, so mistakes from the past don’t repeat themselves.

“Making sure that this doesn’t happen again because that’s the biggest part for citizens to make sure that this doesn’t ever happen again with us,” said Palmer.

In the next year, the one thing Mayor Jones hopes the city can get back is trust.

