IMPORTANT INVESTOR NOTICE: Lundin Law PC Announces Securities Class Action Lawsuit Against Keryx Biopharmaceuticals Inc. And Encourages Investors With Losses to Contact the Firm

LOS ANGELES–(BUSINESS WIRE)–LundinLaw PC (the “Firm”) announces that a class action lawsuit has beenfiled against Keryx Biopharmaceuticals Inc. (“Keryx” or the “Company”)(Nasdaq: KERX) concerning possible violations of federal securities lawsbetween February 25, 2016 and August 1, 2016 (the “Class Period”).Investors who purchased or otherwise acquired shares during the ClassPeriod should contact the Firm in advance of the October 3, 2016 leadplaintiff motion deadline.

To participate in this class action lawsuit, click here. You can also call Brian Lundin, Esquire, of Lundin Law PC,at 888-713-1033, or e-mail him at

No class has been certified in the above action. Until a class iscertified, you are not considered represented by an attorney. You mayalso choose to do nothing and be an absent class member.

According to the complaint, the Company made false and misleadingstatements and/or failed to disclose that Keryx was experiencingproduction-related difficulties in converting API to finished drugproduct; that the issue was resulting in decreased production yields offinished drug product; that the Company exhausted its reserve offinished drug product; and as a result of the above, Keryx’s statementsabout its business, operations and prospects were false and misleadingand/or lacked a reasonable basis at all relevant times.

Lundin Law PC was created by Brian Lundin, a securities litigator basedin Los Angeles dedicated to upholding shareholders’ rights.

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