IMPORTANT SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Lundin Law PC Announces Securities Class Action Lawsuit Against Northern Oil and Gas, Inc. And Encourages Investors With Losses to Contact the Firm

Norther Oil & Gas

LOS ANGELES–(BUSINESS WIRE)–LundinLaw PC (the “Firm”) announces a class action lawsuit was filedagainst Northern Oil and Gas, Inc. (“Northern Oil” or the “Company”)(NYSE: NOG) concerning possible violations of federal securities lawsbetween March 1, 2013 and August 15, 2016 inclusive (the “ClassPeriod”). Investors who purchased or otherwise acquired shares duringthe Class Period should contact the Firm in advance of the October17, 2016 lead plaintiff motion deadline.

To participate in this class action lawsuit, clickhere. You can also call Brian Lundin, Esquire, of Lundin Law PC,at 888-713-1033, or e-mail him at

No class has been certified in the above action. Until a class iscertified, you are not considered represented by an attorney. You mayalso choose to do nothing and be an absent class member.

According to the complaint, the Company made false and misleadingstatements and/or failed to disclose: that Northern Oil’s compliancepolicies with respect to Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”)regulations and the Company’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics wereinadequate to detect and/or prevent misconduct by its officers; thatNorthern Oil’s CEO Michael Reger engaged in illegal stock manipulationduring his tenure at Northern Oil; that Mr. Reger was thus unfit toserve as the Company’s CEO; and as a result of the above, Northern Oil’spublic statements were materially false and misleading at all relevanttimes. On August 16, 2016, the Company fired Mr. Reger as CEO after hedisclosed that he received an SEC notice of intent to bring enforcementaction against him. When this news was announced, shares of Northern Oilfell in value.

Lundin Law PC was founded by Brian Lundin, a securities litigator basedin Los Angeles dedicated to upholding shareholders’ rights.

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