Jeffrey Epstein ‘Sweetheart Deal’ Lawsuit at Issue at Meeting

A meeting set for Monday in a federal courtroom will try to settle a lawsuit filed by two young women against Jeffrey Epstein, the multimillionaire financier and sex offender.

Epstein admitted to bringing teens to his Palm Beach mansion and paying them to give him sexually charged massages.

In their lawsuit, the two women accused federal officials of giving Epstein a “sweetheart deal,” allowing him to plead guilty to prostitution-related felonies in state court instead of charging him with federal crimes that could have included engaging minors in commercial sex.

Jeffrey Epstein, the wealthy Palm Beach resident charged with having teenage girls give him sexual massages, was in court Monday morning to enter a plea after nearly two years. (Palm Beach Post / 2008 staff photo)

Epstein ultimately received an 18-month jail sentence, of which he served 15 months. Federal charges had the potential to send Epstein to prison for 10 years or more.

The lawsuit would proceed if the settlement talks do not produce an agreement.
