A lawsuit targeting Maryland’s use of gerrymandering can go forward, a three-judge federal panel ruled Wednesday.
Steve Shapiro, the American University law student who filed the lawsuit, argues the map violates the rights of 6th District Republican voters to political expression and association. The suit asks the map not be used in future elections, but the lawsuit won’t affect this November’s elections.
The lawsuit was thrown out by a federal judge in 2014, according to the Post, but the Supreme Court ruled in December it should have been heard by a three-judge panel.
The judges Wednesday ruled 2-to-1 the case could go forward and it will be tried in the next several months by the same panel.
Shapiro’s attorney Michael Kimberly said the case could end up back in the Supreme Court and lead to sweeping changes to redistricting across the country.
“This could be the biggest gerrymandering case in a generation,” Kimberly told the Post. “It could have enormous impact.”
Source: thehill.com