Lawsuit Claims Prominent Talent Managers Stole Ideas for ‘Get Hard’

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A new lawsuit claims the screenwriter behind two X-Men films and Watchmen and a colleague conceived the concept for the prison preparation buddy comedy Get Hard, but didn’t get credit or payment.

Writer/casting director Tamer Howard is suing prominent talent managers Jimmy Miller and Julie Darmody for breach of confidence, according to a complaint filed Friday in L.A. County Superior Court.

Suing as Howard Films, Howard claims she and X-Men screenwriter David Hayter submitted a treatment, ideas and story materials for Get Hard to Miller and Darmody in May 2012, after registering the treatment with the WGA.

“While I was involved in the creation of the original document, the actual lawsuit is being brought by my writing partner Tamer Howard,” Hayter tells The Hollywood Reporter.

Howard claims they were operating under “well-established customs and practices of the entertainment industry and on the mutually understood condition” that their idea wouldn’t be used without permission and/or compensation in the form of payments and credit, according to the complaint.

The suit claims their agent followed up with the managers several times and received no response, so Hayter and Howard believed they weren’t interested in the project — until the film was released in 2015.

Get Hard, which stars Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart, has made Miller and Darmody millions, and Howard Films wants that money plus some, according to the suit.

The breach of confidence claim asks for restitution, lost profits and general, special and punitive damages. They’re also seeking an injunction to make defendants stop using their concepts and for an order to make them destroy all materials in their possession that are based on their concepts

Miller and Darmody have not yet commented on the lawsuit. 

May 24, 12:30 p.m. Updated with information from Hayter clarifying that he is not involved with the lawsuit. 
