Left Behind: The History of Residential Schools in N.L.

More than 1,000 former Newfoundland and Labrador residential school students say the federal government must recognize the abuse they suffered.

Survivors from this province said they were unjustly excluded from a multi-billion-dollar settlement with other Canadian residential school survivors.

The group of survivors from this province launched a class-action lawsuit and, after years of delays, a trial began in St. John’s last September.

Dozens of former students broke down crying during testimony, as they were forced to relive the trauma they say they suffered at residential schools.

In February, federal government lawyers agreed to halt proceedings to try to negotiate a settlement.

Talks broke off March 10, and are set to resume in May.

CBC has put together a timeline to look back at the history of residential schools in Newfoundland and Labrador, and the current class-action lawsuit.

Watch the video for more information.

Credits: CBC News Graphics, music by Boogey the Beat

Source: www.cbc.ca www.cbc.ca