A class-action lawsuit against Samsung alleges that some of its top-loading washing machines are dramatically falling apart. A statement from Samsung did little to soothe concerned consumers, saying, “we are in active discussions with the CPSC to address potential safety issues related to certain top-load washing machines manufactured between March 2011 and April 2016.”
In case you concerned: FAA officially bans ‘exploding’ Samsung phones on flights https://t.co/hgly5rgxaY — RT America (@RT_America)
The nonspecific models and five-year range of machines offered little comfort, particularly after the US Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a warning to owners of specific top-loading washing machines, citing concern over “exploding units.” The agency claims to be working with Samsung to remedy the situation.
A federal class-action lawsuit against Samsung echoed that statement with multiple customers complaining that their Samsung washers exploded. One Texas woman said her washer “exploded with such ferocity that it penetrated the interior wall of her garage,” according to court filings.
Another consumer reported that “the whole house shook” after adding a small load to the machine, USA Today reported.
The report went on to claim, “there were pieces of the washing machine all over the floor,” and “the machine jumped forward about 2 feet and turned 90 degrees. It slammed into the dryer, leaving a huge dent in the side of it. The force was so powerful, it ripped the electrical outlet from its screws and bent it to the side.”
So far, at least 21 customers have submitted complaints to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, ABC News reported.
The lawyer representing the class-action lawsuit claims that the problem is that a support rod in the machine does not sufficiently hold the tub in place. This allows the rod to slide out and then boom!
Unfortunately for Samsung, this is not their only exploding product. A recall has also been issued for the Galaxy Note 7 smartphone.
Source: www.rt.com