On Monday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced that the DOJ has filed suit against the state of North Carolina over HB 2, which seeks to protect citizens from being intruded upon by transgenders in the restrooms by dictating they can only use the bathroom of their biological sex.
In her press announcement, Lynch denounced the law as “state-sponsored discrimination” that denies transgenders their humanity.
“What we must never do is turn on our neighbors, our family members, and our fellow Americans for something they cannot control and deny what makes them human,” said Lynch. “This is why none of us can stand by when a state enters the business of legislation identity and insists a person pretend to be something or someone they are not.”
Using the same bully rhetoric employed to squeak same-sex marriage into the culture war, Lynch then went on to compare the HB 2 as some kind of Jim Crow law.
“This is not the first time we’ve seen discriminatory responses to moments of progress,” she remarked. “This law provides no benefit to society. All it does it harm innocent Americans.”
Lynch implored transgenders not to worry, because “history is on your side.”
“We see you. We stand with you…And please know that history is on your side,” she concluded.
Source: www.truthrevolt.org