Mark Zuckerberg Demands Pornstar’s $1b Facebook Lawsuit Be Thrown Out

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg has demanded that a $1billion lawsuit be thrown out after a former porn star accused him of ruining her adult film career by allowing lies that she was born a man to be spread on the social media site.

Former porn star Paree La’Tiejira, aka Lady Paree, filed a suit against Facebook and its CEO earlier this year accusing them of libel and intentional infliction of emotional distress after she received what she claimed were numerous death threats on the site.

Zuckerberg filed documents in court on Monday denying the accusations, demanding the suit be thrown out and asking for La’Tiejira to be ordered to pay his legal bills, according to court documents obtained by

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg has demanded that a $1billion lawsuit filed by former porn star Paree La’Tiejira, aka Lady Paree, be thrown out

La’Tiejira, a 41-year-old biological female, accused  Zuckerberg and Facebook of libel and intentional infliction of emotional distress

The social media king claims that while La’Tiejira has accuses him and Facebook of failing to prevent people who use the website from posting defamatory statements, service providers like Facebook are not liable for user-generated content.

‘Facebook Defendants have no duty to prevent or remove potentially harmful user-generated content, so it cannot be held liable by La’Tiejira,’ he says.

The defamatory Facebook comments stemmed from a previous lawsuit, in which she accused another company published incorrect statements about her gender.

La’Tiejira – a 41-year-old biological female – sued Leisure Time Entertainment and a man named Mark C Carriere in Indiana court in 2009, accusing them of publishing false and defamatory statements claiming she was born with both male and female body parts.

Both of those defendants in the case were in the porn industry, with Carriere being known at one point as ‘The King of Porn’.

La’Tiejira, who is currently unemployed, claimed that the statements caused her to be battered and assaulted by fans and has been at risk for violent interactions ever since.

At one point, she claims in court documents, an ex-fan slashed her with a knife, slicing her face open from her left temple to her lower chin on the left side, while declaring she used to be a man.

The incident left her with injuries that required 150 stitches and cosmetic surgery. She says she still has a scar that is visible on the left side of her face.

La’Tiejira claims that she has faced abuse and death threats on Facebook and the company has done nothing to remove the posts

During the 2009 trial, the court found that La’Tiejira was in fact born a woman and had never undergone surgeries to alter her biological sex.

In January 2010 she was awarded $2.5 million in compensatory damages and $50,000 in punitive damages.

But following the suit, La’Tiejira claims that the defendants continued to publish false statements that she was born a man through Facebook pages operated and managed by the social media site and Zuckerberg.

‘Such intentional, malicious, or grossly negligent publication by defendants has caused her economic and compensatory damages, as well as emotional distress and physical pain so severe that she has had to seek professional assistance to cope with the damages caused by Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg,’ court documents state.

She claims that false publications regarding her biological sex have negatively impacted, if not effectively ended, her acting career in the adult entertainment industry.

La’Tiejira says that promoters, producers and filmmakers have ceased making any offers to her.

She claims that she continues to be at risk, receiving hate mail and death threats from people who believe she the claims that she was born a man.

Zuckerberg, however, says that while she can continue to pursue the person who authored the statements, he says that the claims against his company are misguided and should be dismissed immediately.

She says that the death threats came after winning a separate lawsuit, and defendants published false statements that she was born a man through a Facebook page

Zuckerberg says: ‘La’Tiejira does not specifically allege that the Facebook Defendants authored any statements regarding her gender identity or that the Facebook Defendants were responsible in any way for the creation of that content.

‘Nor does she allege that the Facebook Defendants encouraged, adopted, or even knew about any allegedly defamatory statements about her gender identity.’

He also notes that La’Tiejira failed to properly identify the allegedly defamatory statements on Facebook in her lawsuit.

The former porn star is demanding $1billion in damages, claiming Zuckerberg and Facebook caused her to suffer and continue to make her suffer.

La’Tiejira doesn’t point to specific posts or stories she takes issue with ,but she does list a defendant named Kyle Anders, along with unnamed defendants she labels, ‘fictitious defendants A, B, C’.

According to public records a woman with La’Tiejira’s name and birth date has a rap sheet that includes a 2002 charge of engaging in organized criminal activity and another from the same year of tampering with government records.

Also, according to court documents, she has used at least 20 aliases.

When contacted by, La’Tiejira asked how we got her phone number. When told that she had signed her name directly over it on the court document, she said; ‘You’re good,’ and hung up.

Editor: Truth is stranger than… indeed. Please visit the source link below to read the entire article.


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