Md. Homeowners File Purple Line Class Action Lawsuit Against MTA

Some Silver Spring residents who live along the proposed Purple Line light rail route are gearing up for a fight in court. They have filed a class action lawsuit against the Maryland Transit Administration claiming the authority is short-changing them on a fair price for the land they need for construction.

For Andrew Hoddick, there will not be much of a front yard left once construction on Purple Line begins. The 16-mile light rail project will extend from Bethesda to New Carrollton. Hoddick told FOX 5 he is not against the Purple Line at all.

“It’s not about that,” he said. “It’s about what is just compensation. The property will be diminished. The train will be relatively close to our house and the state has said they don’t expect there to be any diminished value to the rest of the property. I don’t think that’s true.”

Hoddick’s next door neighbor, Isaac Kunnirickal, said he may consider joining the lawsuit. He said adding up the amount the state wants to pay for a chunk of his front yard and the property value hit he will likely take, the MTA’s offer is a fraction of what it should be.

“It’s like taking your head off of your human body,” he said. “If somebody takes your hand or your brain, it makes a difference, right? It’s going to come right from the front of the house, so that’s a problem.”

Construction on the Purple Line is expected to begin later this year on the Prince George’s County side.

We reached out to MTA for a comment and a spokesperson said they had not yet seen the lawsuit therefore had no comment as of right now.
