The book serves as a valuable tool for both in-house and outside counsels who confront the prospect of litigating class actions in state forums with which they may have little or no experience and must make informed recommendations on removal. Succinct summaries are prepared by litigators from each of the respective states and address changes in rules and statutes as well as significant case law. The summaries in the book provide a thorough and thoughtful understanding of the workings of the relevant state class action rules and case law that will be extremely useful to practitioners and parties alike.
“The Law of Class Action” is the collaboration of the ABA Section of Litigation, cochaired by Fabrice Vincent and Dennis Egan. The Fifty-State Survey was prepared by attorneys in the various states.
Title: The Law of Class Action: Fifty-State Survey 2015–2016
Publisher: ABA Section of Litigation, First Chair Press
Pages: 704
Product Code: 5310446
ISBN: 978-1-63425-447-2
Size: 7 x 10 paperback
Price: $149.95
Orders: 800-285-2221 or
Editor’s note: Author interviews and review copies of this book are available by emailing Meg Spisich at If you publish a review of this book, please send tear sheets or a copy for our files to Meg Spisich, ABA Section of Litigation, 321 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60654.
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