A palimony lawsuit filed by Blake Griffin’s ex-fiancee has brought to light more details regarding just how tense his relationship was with the Los Angeles Clippers, and particularly point guard Chris Paul, during his tenure with the team.
The lawsuit, which was published by Deadspin, notes that, “Griffin continued to rely on [ex-fiancee Brynn] Cameron for advice regarding his career. Griffin spoke with Cameron following games to discuss his performance and team dynamics, including his mounting tension with Chris Paul. The Clippers had been Griffin’s team since he was drafted and he felt like it was no longer his team.”
Furthermore, the lawsuit states, “Griffin struggled to be viewed as a leader for the Clippers while Chris Paul was such a vocal presence in the locker room and the media — and was better known for his drive to win and dedication to both team building and family values . . . The relationship between Griffin and other players had become so toxic [Clippers coach Doc] Rivers had to mediate disputes in private meetings with the players. Griffin did not know how to handle confrontations and would go silent when things did not go his way.”
The lawsuit also alleges that Cameron helped counsel Griffin on how to communicate better. In addition, Cameron said that she hosted Griffin’s teammates’ families, and even hosted playdates for their children, actions the suit claims ” . . . strengthened Griffin’s bonds with his teammates and allowed the organization to see a different side of his personality rather than the hard-partying man-child Griffin had been prior.”
Of course, locker room tension had often been reported during the Griffin-Paul era of the Clippers, and it helps to explain why the Clippers could never make the leap from a perennial playoff team to a true contender, as well as why the two stars are both now on different teams.
The lawsuit contains plenty more detail about how Cameron supported Griffin’s NBA career as well as his off-court marketing and media pursuits.
Please visit www.businessinsider.com to read the entire article.
Source: www.businessinsider.com