NEW YORK, Aug. 19, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Safirstein Metcalf LLP announces that a complaint has been filed in the UnitedStates District Court for the Southern District of New York on behalf of all persons or entities that purchased the common stock ofConcordia International Corp. (“Concordia” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ:CXRX) between November 12, 2015 and August 12, 2016,inclusive (the “Class Period”), alleging violations of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 against the Company and certain of itsofficers (the “Complaint”).
If you purchased common stock of Concordia during the Class Period, you may, no later than October 14, 2016,request that the Court appoint you lead plaintiff of the proposed class. A lead plaintiff is a representative party that acts onbehalf of all class members in directing the litigation. Any member of the purported class may move the Court to serve as leadplaintiff through counsel of their choice, or may choose to do nothing and remain an absent class member.
If you would like more information about the Concordia Securities Class Action, please visit or contact Sheila Feerickat 1-800-221-0015, or email [email protected]
The Complaint alleges that throughout the Class Period, defendants made materially false and misleadingstatements, and omitted materially adverse facts, about the Company’s business, operations and prospects. Specifically, theComplaint alleges that the defendants concealed from the investing public that: (1) the Company was experiencing a substantialincrease in market competition against the Company’s drug, Donnatal, and other products; (2) as a result, the Company’s financialresults would suffer and, the Company would be forced to suspend its dividend; (3) as a result of the foregoing, Defendants’statements about Concordia’ business, operations, and prospects were false and misleading and/or lacked a reasonable basis. As a result of defendants’ alleged false and misleading statements, the Company’s stock traded at artificially inflated pricesduring the Class Period.
According to the Complaint, on August 12, 2016, Concordia issued a press release announcing that it was loweringits 2016 guidance “to reflect the impact of unexpected competition on several products in our North America segment, and currentforeign currency exchange rates.” The Company also announced that Adrian de Saldanha, Concordia’s Chief Financial Officer,was leaving the Company, and that Concordia’s Board unanimously agreed to suspend the Company’s $0.075 quarterly dividend.
Following this news, shares of Concordia dropped over 38%, closing at $10.13 per share on August 12, 2016, on heavy tradingvolume.
About Safirstein Metcalf LLP
Safirstein Metcalf LLP focuses its practice on shareholder rights. The law firm also practices in the areas of antitrust andconsumer protection. All of the Firm’s legal endeavors are rooted in its core mission: provide investor and consumerprotection.
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