Norris said even though the state filed the lawsuit against the Trump administration it should not be viewed as an affront to the president.
“We’re supportive, by and large, of what President Trump is doing in the refugee and immigration arena, and we suspect that he will support the philosophy behind our lawsuit,” the West Tennessee Republican said.
Norris’ remarks come after the state became the first in the nation to sue the federal government over refugee resettlement on the grounds of violating the 10th Amendment.
The 10th Amendment says the federal government possesses only the powers delegated to it by the U.S. Constitution and that all other powers are reserved for the states.
The charge that the federal government is not complying with the Refugee Act of 1980, based on the 10th Amendment, makes Tennessee’s lawsuit the first of its kind. Other states have sued the federal government over refugee resettlement but on different legal grounds.
Norris said despite the fact that the state opted out of administering the refugee resettlement program during Gov. Phil Bredesen’s administration, the state has continued to not only participate but also allocate funds.
“We received a directive in the fall of 2015 from the federal government that said you better participate because if you don’t we will withhold other federal funds,” Norris said. “We feel like that’s commandeering or forcing us to participate in a program that a previous governor took us out of.”
Norris said the Thomas More Law Center, which is leading the lawsuit on behalf of the state, deemed the federal court in the western district of Tennessee to be the appropriate venue given that Sen. John Stevens, R-Huntingdon, is a West Tennessee resident. Stevens and Rep. Terri Lynn Weaver, R-Lancaster, were named as plaintiffs in the lawsuit.
“Probably any federal court in Tennessee would’ve been suitable,” Norris said. “The district court of D.C. would also have worked, but it was a flip of the coin.”
Norris said despite the fact that he was among the leading proponents of the resolution ordering the lawsuit that passed through the legislature last year, he is preoccupied with other matters, including the state’s upcoming budget, and therefore didn’t want to be added to the lawsuit.
“Now it’s up for somebody else to carry the load,” he said.
On Tuesday, Gov. Bill Haslam reiterated his stance that he has faith in the refugee resettlement program while declining to say whether he supported the recently filed lawsuit.
The governor said after having the opportunity to look at the vetting process of the refugee resettlement program he was confident it was working.
“If you’re a bad guy that’s not how you’re going to choose to come into the country,” Haslam said.
For that reason, Haslam said, he decided against signing last year’s resolution, concluding, “We’ll see where it goes from here.”
As of publication the federal government has not filed a response to the state’s lawsuit.
Holly Meyer contributed to this report.