BOSTON (AP) — Scientists and their supporters are planning a rally in Boston’s Copley Square to bring attention to what they say are the inc…
Democratic members of Congress from Connecticut are meeting with constituents to discuss the impact of former President Barack Obama’s healt…
Seth and Lauren had their seventh check-in on their 8 week “New Year, New Purpose” fitness and lifestyle journey.
The comedian still faces criminal charges in Pennsylvania.
The Springfield federal judge ruled Thursday that Katherine McKee didn’t adequately show Cosby defamed her when his representatives called a 2014 New York Daily News Story about her rape allegations defamatory and demanded a retraction.
Defamation is the act of communicating false statements about a person that injure the reputation of that person.
Cosby’s lawyers called Thursday’s decision the correct outcome, but he still faces criminal charges in Pennsylvania. There, he’s pleaded not guilty to sexual assault charges.