Supreme Court Sides With Samsung in Apple Lawsuit

The Supreme Court tossed an Apple lawsuit against Samsung on Tuesday after ruling in Samsung’s favor, the  Associated Press said. This isn’t the end of the suit that has run on and on since a ruling in 2012. Litigation will continue in lower courts.

The Justices considered Apple’s allegations that Samsung copied Apple patents related to iPhone designs in order to create its own smartphones. Previous jury rulings have sided with Apple in the past, requiring Samsung to cough up fees to Apple, but the appeals process has kept things moving onward and upward up to the supreme court.

11 of Samsung’s smartphones and three patents are named in the suit and, according to the  Associated Press , the latest ruling means that “Samsung may not be required to pay all the profits it earned” from those smartphones. The suit called for payment of $399 from Samsung to Apple.

Back to the lower courts

Apple originally asked the Supreme Court to look into the lawsuit back in July . At the time, Apple said Samsung hadn’t provided lower courts with any evidence that it shouldn’t cover the full fine levied against it. That figure was initially set at $930 million before it was decreased to $548 million last year. Samsung has argued it doesn’t owe $399 million of that total since it infringed on certain aspects of smartphone design but, as it argues, not the entire smartphone.

For now, Samsung and Apple look like they’ll remain in court for a while yet.


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