
Did Donald Trump’s Nordstrom Tweet Open Him Up to a Lawsuit?

Ethics watchdogs who have long warned of the potential conflicts posed by the Trump family’s business interests were quick to cry foul on Wednesday. Importantly, they also saw it as a potential new opening to take Trump to court. Currently, the most high-profile legal challenge to Donald Trump’s business empire concerns what is known as the Emoluments Clause in the U.S. Constitution, which bars …

Mastercard `Preying on Millions’ Sparked $17 Billion Fee Lawsuit

Mastercard Inc . preyed on more than 46 million unknowing consumers by unfairly charging card fees over a 16-year period, lawyers seeking to bring a 14 billion-pound ($17.2 billion) class-action lawsuit told a London court. The credit-card company infringed European Union competition law by imposing high charges to retailers that accepted its cards between 1992 and 2008, Paul Harris, a lawyer …

Lawsuit Alleging App Store Is a Monopoly Allowed to Proceed After Appeal

Our benevolent overlords at MacRumors have published an article talking about a lawsuit alleging the App Store is a monopoly due to the inability to purchase apps outside of the App Store. The lawsuit is a few years old, but an appeals court has allowed the lawsuit to go forward. If the plaintiffs win, one of their attorneys said to Reuters that “the obvious solution is to compel Apple to let …

Uniroyal Lawsuit Settled

A multimillion dollar lawsuit involving employees of the former Uniroyal Goodrich Tire Co. plant has been settled, just weeks before a five-week trial was scheduled to begin in Eau Claire County Court. “It has been a long and sometimes frustrating road,” said New Richmond attorney Matthew Biegert, who with others represented the claimants. “We are glad that we were able to resolve the claims …

Transgender Teen on Bathroom Lawsuit Going to Supreme Court: My Goal Is No Kid Will Have to Go Through This

Gavin Grimm wasn’t thrilled when he first learned that the Supreme Court will hear his case calling for all transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice. Not only did his school district in Gloucester County, Virginia, not accept the U.S. Court of Appeals decision to allow him to use the men’s bathroom, Grimm also spent the majority of his high school years holding his bladder, and …

Man Suing Davie “Breastaurant” Twin Peaks for Gender Discrimination

A man who tried to apply for a job at Twin Peaks in Davie is now leading a class-action lawsuit arguing that the so-called “breastaurant” chain discriminates against men. Rafael Ortiz of Hialeah claims that he was told by the manager on duty that he couldn’t fill out an application to become a server because those positions were for women only. In case you’re unaware, Twin Peaks is in many ways …

Lawsuit Seeks to Grant Due Process to Migrant Children

A girl participates in a protest calling for businesses to sever their relationships with U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump over his recent comments about Mexican immigrants as they demonstrate outside the site of a new hotel owned by Trump at the Old Post Office Building in Washington, July 9, 2015. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas A federal court gave class action status Monday to a …

Father Speaks About Lawsuit Filed After Son Lost at Sea

A South Florida father whose son disappeared last July during a fishing trip spoke to Local 10 News on Thursday after filing a motion demanding to have access to the information on an iPhone that was found on the boat. “I can’t sleep at times not knowing what happened,” Philip Cohen said. It’s almost been a year since Austin Stephanos and Perry Cohen, both 14, vanished …