
Ninth Circuit Torpedoes FDCPA Class Settlement as ‘Worthless’

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a class action settlement as “worthless” for absent class members in a recent federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act case. The decision represents another addition to the growing list of FDCPA and other consumer-related class action settlements facing tough scrutiny where absent class members receive minimal or no monetary relief in proportion to …

Court Rejects Similasan Labeling Settlement After Attorneys General Point Out Unfairness

AUSTIN – The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California has rejected a proposed settlement of a class action lawsuit filed against Similasan Corp. that alleges false and deceptive labeling of Similasan’s homeopathic products. Under the proposed settlement in Allen v. Similasan Corp., class attorneys and two plaintiffs would have been paid, but affected consumers would not have …