
First Amendment Lawsuit Settled With Speech Code Revisions on 10 Arizona Campuses

Yesterday, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) announced that a lawsuit it filed on behalf of two Paradise Valley Community College students last year has been settled—with great results for students at PVCC and the other nine colleges of the Maricopa County Community College District in Arizona. As part of the settlement , MCCCD will eliminate free speech zones on all …

Judge Rules Church Lawsuit Can Move Forward

A church’s lawsuit in Iowa that gained national attention has benefitted from a federal judge’s preliminary ruling. U.S. District Court Judge Stephanie Rose on Oct. 14 denied a request from Iowa state officials to dismiss a lawsuit filed by Fort Des Moines Church of Christ.That means the case will progress to trial. A similar lawsuit is moving forward in Massachusetts, where four church …

New Lawsuit Demonizes Transgender Girl for Acting Like a Girl

The anti-LGBT Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) has filed yet another lawsuit against a high school on behalf of some anonymous plaintiffs for respecting the needs of a transgender student. The suit against Virginia High School in Virginia, Minnesota makes the same legal arguments as nearly identical suits filed in Illinois and North Carolina, but stands out for the way it demonizes the …

University Hit With Lawsuit After Ordering Campus Religious Group to Get Permit

A Christian student group is suing North Carolina State University over a policy they say requires members to get a permit to talk to their classmates about Jesus. Grace Christian Life, a religious student group long recognized by the 35,000-student school in Raleigh, claimed in a federal suit that school officials barred members last September from evangelizing to people on campus. The …

Lawsuit: Leftist College Profs Accused of Inciting Mob

A lawsuit has been filed against officials at California State University, Los Angeles, over a mob that tried to prevent columnist Ben Shapiro from speaking on campus. WND reported in February when the conservative commentator and author spoke despite protesters setting off a fire alarm and barricading the front door to the auditorium, forcing attendees to use a back door. A Twitchy post …