
Mormon Congregation Assaults & Drowns Out Mothers Warning Them That Church Leaders Enable Pedophiles

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, commonly known as the Mormon church, recently settled a civil suit brought on behalf of several of the victims of Christopher Michael Jensen’s for an undisclosed amount. Jensen was sentenced in 2013 to 35 to 75 years in prison for sexually abusing two children, ages 3 and 4. The lawsuit also alleged that abuse continued over the years as no one …

Judge Rules Uber Can Be Sued for Sexual Assaults Committed by Drivers

A judge in California has ruled that Uber can be sued over sexual assault committed by its drivers, Consumerist reported on Friday. Uber had moved to dismiss two charges of sexual assault filed against the company, arguing that it can’t be held liable for the assaults because of technicalities regarding the employment status of its drivers.