
A Blind Theatergoer’s ‘Hamilton’ Lawsuit Aims Spotlight on Broadway Accessibility

A recent lawsuit brought by a blind theatergoer against the producers of the hit musical Hamilton has highlighted Broadway’s spotty track record in serving audiences with disabilities. Hamilton opened almost a year and a half ago, but it’s still the hottest ticket on Broadway. Mark Lasser of Denver, who is blind, wanted to take his wife to the show and get audio description services to help him enjoy a performance. That means he hoped …

‘Hamilton’ Lawsuit Turns Spotlight on Broadway Accessibility

A lawsuit brought against the producers of “Hamilton” and the owners of the theater in which it’s playing has turned attention to issues of accessibility for disabled Broadway theatergoers — an often-overlooked subject where real accommodation and good intentions can meet murky questions of demand and execution. The class action suit filed earlier this month in the Southern District Court of …