
Auditor General Calls Nonprofit’s Lawsuit a ‘cover-Up Attempt’

Pennsylvania’s auditor general says a Harrisburg-based abortion alternative provider is suing his office to cover-up how it spent $906,000 in state funds. Real Alternatives filed the lawsuit Wednesday in Commonwealth Court. The nonprofit has a $30.2 million grant through a Department of Human Services program that provides pregnancy testing, counseling and other …

Ballot Instructions in Pierce County Inaccurate, Democrats Say

UPDATE: 5:49 pm. Pierce County Auditor Julie Anderson tells KUOW that she has reached an agreement with the state Democratic Party because of the threat of the lawsuit. Anderson says her office will acquiesce to the party’s demands and is currently in the process of working out the details.

Attorney on Jobless Aid: The System Is Flawed

An attorney suing the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency, alleging it has wrongly accused tens of thousands of residents of fraud and unlawfully confiscated tens of millions of dollars in benefits and penalties, says …