
After Baylor Is Hit With Lawsuit Alleging 52 Rapes by Football Team, Basketball Coach Leaves Parents Fuming

Baylor University women’s basketball coach Kim Mulkey delivered a harsh speech Saturday to parents who have pledged not to send their daughters to the school. The school was rocked by scandal last month when a former student filed a lawsuit against the university, alleging 52 acts of rape committed by football players. The student, who is named as Elizabeth Doe, said that she was raped by …

Trump Appears to Admit Using Charity Money to Settle Lawsuit

When The Washington Post’s David A. Fahrenthold first reported that Donald Trump has used money contributed to the foundation that bears his name to help settle two lawsuits, Trump and his surrogates repeatedly said the charge was untrue. Not Wednesday. At the third presidential debate with Hillary Clinton, Trump essentially acknowledged he had used Trump Foundation money to settle a lawsuit …