
Inside Big Chocolate’s Child Labor Problem

For a decade and a half, the big chocolate makers have promised to end child labor in their industry—and have spent tens of millions of dollars in the effort. But as of the latest estimate, 2.1 million West African children still do the dangerous and physically taxing work of harvesting cocoa. What will it take to fix the problem?

Ugly Stain on Canada’s Aboriginal Record: Goar

A poster was attached to the note, emblazoned with the words “Cultural Genocide.” It referred to the “Sixties Scoop,” a modern-day echo of the residential schools nightmare. Between 1961 and 1985 child welfare authorities removed thousands of First Nations children from their homes, their families, their communities. They transplanted them in non-aboriginal families, guided by the belief they …

Ugly Stain on Canada’s Aboriginal Record: Goar

A poster was attached to the note, emblazoned with the words “Cultural Genocide.” It referred to the “Sixties Scoop,” a modern-day echo of the residential schools nightmare. Between 1961 and 1985 child welfare authorities removed thousands of First Nations children from their homes, their families, their communities. They transplanted them in non-aboriginal families, guided by the belief they …