
Google Employees Plan to Bring Class Action Lawsuit Over Gender Pay

A group of more than 60 female Google employees are considering bringing a class action lawsuit against the company for sexism and pay disparities, it has been reported. The action comes after a memo was leaked at the weekend from a male software engineer, which claimed that “biological differences” were behind the fact that more men worked in …

Hiding Under Desks to Look Up Colleagues’ Skirts and Licking Their Faces Is Stuff That Happens at AIG

A lot of things have been said about the old American International Group in recent years. The Former House of Hank has been dragged through the mud and federal courthouses more than once since being essentially taken over by the Treasury Department but refusing to act like it, and the court of public opinion has been unkind to the firm even after the government sold back it’s AIG stock at a …

Latina Files Lawsuit Against Company for Harassment With Trump Photo

This upcoming election has sparked a lot of chatter about racial tensions within the United States. A Hispanic woman has taken the step of filing a civil rights lawsuit against her company for harassment allegations stemming from the upcoming election. According to FOX News Latino , Hispanic woman Alexandra Avila says her white co-workers at an Iowa claims office used images of Donald Trump to …