
Insomnia Cookies Files Federal Lawsuit Against Red Eye Cookie Co.

Insomnia Cookies files federal lawsuit against Red Eye Cookie Co. Suit alleges trademark infringement, unfair competition Anchita Khullar | Cavalier Daily Insomnia said it believes Red Eye’s adoption and use of the crescent moon could lead consumers to mistakenly believe the company is affiliated with or sponsored by Insomnia. National late-night cookie chain Insomnia Cookies LLC filed a …

Google Tries to End Browser Privacy Violation Lawsuit

Google is trying again to end an advertisement tracking privacy violation court case brought against it in 2012, this time with a settlement offer of US$5.5 million (A$7.3 million). At the heart of the legal action is Google’s bypass of the default cookie settings in Apple’s Safari for iOS and Microsoft’s Internet Explorer web browsers. Cookies are small text files that web servers can place on …