
With Lawsuit, Melania Defines Public Service, Trump-Style

We can all thank Melania Trump for giving us a clearer sense of what she and her family are looking for from their stay in the White House. In court papers Melania filed Monday as part of a libel lawsuit against the parent company of the Daily Mail, she said that the British tabloid and website, by falsely reporting that she had once worked as a prostitute, caused the first lady to miss “major …

45,000 Legal Claims Pending Against Federal Government

The Canadian government has as many as 45,000 legal claims — big and small — pending against it, representing a potential liability that stretches into the “hundreds of billions of dollars,” CBC News has learned. The breadth and potential depth of the litigation quagmire was the driving force behind the Trudeau government’s recent decision to establish a full cabinet committee to track the …

Ivy League Colleges Face Class Action Lawsuit Over Retirement Funds

While elite colleges and universities may have sizable endowments, pension funds are not in the same state of health, which can lead to difficult positions for institutional spending and personnel management decisions. The University of the Cumberlands is a prime example of financial promises made to a former president to reward years of good service, only to rescind …

Justice Ginsburg’s Warning to the American Worker

by Ian Millhiser Feb 1, 2016 8:00 am Lochner v. New York is one of the Supreme Court’s great anti-precedents. Typically taught in law schools as an example of how judges should not behave, Lochner rested on a fabricated “right to contract” that, in effect, gave employers broad license to exploit their workers. The so-called right invented in Lochner and similar cases later formed the basis for …