
New Arizona House Speaker Mulling Minimum Wage Lawsuit

The incoming speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives said Monday he is considering whether to file a lawsuit to block an increase to the minimum wage approved by voters last month. Rep. J.D. Mesnard said the increase might run afoul of the state Constitution’s requirement that initiatives contain a funding source if they require state outlays.

Lawsuit: Washington State Does Too Little for Developmentally Disabled

A disability rights group is suing the state of Washington, saying it has no system for ensuring developmentally disabled adults can avoid institutional care in favor of other living arrangements. Disability Rights Washington says in the federal lawsuit this week that at least 91 developmentally disabled adults were being institutionalized against their will because the state …

Class-Action Suit’s Net Is Too Wide

Disability Rights Ohio likes to use the term “segregated” to describe developmentally delayed people. Now let’s look at the actual, legal terminology used in implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act that requires services, programs and activities most “appropriate to the needs of the individual.” For those who can and want to change their living situation, go to Disability Rights Ohio …