
Supreme Court Will Take Up Epic Systems Overtime Pay Lawsuit

The Supreme Court has agreed to weigh in on an employee class-action lawsuit against Epic Systems Corp. in Verona over overtime pay, in a case that could influence the way wage disputes are handled across the country. The high court won’t be hearing the specifics of the case Lewis v. Epic , which involves the health care company’s system of classifying certain types of workers as overtime- …

Toyota Agrees to USD 3.4-Bn Rust Dispute Settlement

Another motion filed by the manufacturer stated that Toyota disputes the accusations but found the agreement a reasonable and fair way to end the controversy. Toyota has agreed to settle a class-action lawsuit and pay approximately USD 3.4 billion to owners of trucks and SUVs in the United States who complained that their vehicles …

Google and Facebook Cases Dominate Supreme Court Fall Session

In another significant Internet law case, a B.C. woman’s class action lawsuit against Facebook seeks damages for violating Canadians’ privacy in online advertising. Facebook argues people consent to use of their name and image when they sign up, and the global giant disputes that Canadian courts have jurisdiction over these questions.

Regulators Want Easier Path to Suing Banks

The nation’s top consumer financial regulator wants to put a stop to that. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau proposed a rule Thursday that would ban arbitration clauses, which would affect the entire financial industry and the hundreds of millions of bank accounts, credit cards and other financial services …