
DNC Faces Another Class Action Lawsuit After $1 Million in Bonuses Given Out

The Democratic National Committee and former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz are currently facing a class action lawsuit filed on behalf of Bernie Sanders supporters in federal court for rigging the Democratic primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton. On May 12, CBS reported another class action lawsuit was filed against the DNC for stiffing dozens of field organizers all over the country for …

DNC Files Scathing Rebuttal, Wants Fraud Lawsuit Filed by Bernie Backers Thrown Out

Attorneys working for the Democratic National Committee are hoping a federal judge will throw out a lawsuit filed by a bunch of Bernie Sanders supporters who believe they got duped by the DNC. ‘The DNC was biased in favor of one candidate – Hillary Clinton – from the beginning and throughout the process,” the plaintiffs wrote in their original lawsuit. The complaint, which was filed in federal …

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Served With Class Action Lawsuit for (Allegedly) Rigging the Primaries

Throughout the Democratic primary, DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been hit with many casual accusations of putting her thumb on the scale for Hillary Clinton. Now she’s been served with a class action lawsuit, making the accusations official. In a lawsuit filed Tuesday by Miami-based law firm Beck & Lee on behalf of a group of people who donated money to the Bernie Sanders campaign, …

Sanders Drops Lawsuit Against DNC

The move came Friday after an independent investigation into Democratic presidential campaigns’ handling of party voter data. “An independent investigation of the firewall failures in the DNC’s shared voter file database has definitively confirmed that the original claims by the DNC and the Clinton campaign were wholly inaccurate,” the campaign …