
Rutledge Files Motion to Dismiss Complaint in Death Row Lawsuit

Attorney General Leslie Rutledge filed a motion on Tuesday to dismiss death row inmate Jack Greene’s request to suspend his execution, claiming that the court has no jurisdiction to halt his impending execution.  Greene’s attorneys recently filed a motion in Jefferson County, asking for a hearing to determine whether Greene is legally competent enough to be executed. …

Third Lawsuit Says Bus Crash Causes Child to Suffer Disfigurement, Brain Injury

A minor will suffer from disability, disfigurement and a traumatic brain injury because of the deadly Woodmore Elementary school bus crash, according to a third lawsuit filed Monday in connection with the tragedy. “It is heartbreaking whenever children are involved, especially when the crash was as preventable as this one appears to be,” Joseph …

Unhappy Ford Customers Asked to Sign Confidentiality Agreements Before Trading in Their Cars

Ford is being accused of misleading and deceptive conduct in a class-action lawsuit. Picture: AP Photo/Hermann J. Knippertz TRADING in your car usually doesn’t involve signing a confidentiality agreement, but that’s what Ford has asked some of its customers to do before agreeing to purchase their allegedly dodgy second-hand cars. A class action involving thousands of disgruntled Ford customers …

Star Trek Actor’s Death Triggers Class-Action Lawsuit Against Car Manufacturer

A proposed class-action lawsuit prominently citing Anton Yelchin’s accidental death has been filed against Fiat Chrysler, the manufacturer of the 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee that pinned the Star Trek actor in his driveway last week. The complaint, filed in California on Thursday, claims the company has done little to correct what it calls a “dangerously defective” shifter design in the vehicle. …