
‘I Can Let My Inner Child Rest,’ 1 of Hundreds of N.L. Residential School Survivors Says About $50M Settlement

A $50-million settlement has been reached for hundreds of residential school survivors in Newfoundland and Labrador who have been involved in a lengthy class action with the federal government. Former students also will receive an undetermined amount of money for reconciliation and healing. They learned of the settlement in Newfoundland and Labrador Supreme Court on Tuesday morning.

Residential School Survivor ‘Elated’ by Settlement Talks

A woman from Nain—one of 1,200 former residential school students from this province suing for damages—says she’s elated by a decision to halt the trial in a class action lawsuit so settlement talks can be held. “I wasn’t expecting it, but I’m very happy,” said Cindy Dwyer. “After eight years of all this waiting, I’m actually elated.”