
Justice Dept. Says Replacing U.S. Workers May Bring Lawsuit

Critics of the H-1B program have little to celebrate, so far, from President Donald Trump. He promised reforms of the visa program during the campaign, but nothing has happened of consequence — at least until Monday. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a warning to H-1B employers not to use the visa program to discriminate against U.S. workers.

How Many Deaths Until Remington Admits Its Signature Gun Has a Trigger Problem?

Remington Arms Co.’s Model 700
What does a gun company do when it has a top selling product with a trigger defect that’s causing accidental deaths? Nothing, apparently, for decades. That’s the story of Remington Arms Co.’s Model 700 series rifle, which CNBC reports had a defective firing mechanism since it was invented almost 70 years ago.