
What to Do if You’ve Been Exposed to Asbestos

If you work in construction, then you are likely exposed to hazards every single day. However, there is one hazard that you might not be aware of: asbestos. Long-term asbestos exposure can result in major consequences, including a deadly form of cancer known as mesothelioma.

Lawsuit Alleges Thousands of Clean Air Act Violations by Colorado Springs Utilities

WildEarth Guardians filed a lawsuit Thursday against Colorado Springs Utilities, alleging more than 3,000 Clean Air Act violations at the coal-fired Martin Drake Power Plant and seeking more than $112 million in fines. The accusations center on opacity measurements, which show levels of particulates that can cause coughs, aggravated asthma, reduced lung function and even premature death. …

Ex-Students Call NYU’s Singapore Art School an ‘Educational Scam’

New York University’s Singapore arts school was an “educational scam” that saddled students with high tuition while providing low-quality coursework, a new lawsuit alleges. NYU’s Tisch Asia, which opened in 2007 and closed in 2015, promised students the same degrees and professional training available at the New York City campus, the Manhattan federal court suit says. Instead, Tisch Asia’s …

Class-Action Lawsuit Accuses Pop Warner of Endangering Youth Football Players

A class-action lawsuit filed Thursday accuses Pop Warner football of not monitoring games, practices, rules, equipment and medical care “to minimize the long-term risks” associated with brain injuries and repetitive hits to the head, according to court documents obtained by The New York Times. The suit, filed in U.S. District Court in California, takes on the nation’s largest youth football …

Bay Area Lawsuit Against Monsanto Over Cleanup Costs Dismissed

A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by the cities of Berkeley, Oakland and San Jose which attempted to hold Monsanto Co. accountable for the cost of reducing PCB contamination in the San Francisco Bay. The suit against Monsanto, an agricultural biotech company based in St. Louis, sought to recover the cost of cleaning up PCBs, synthetic organic chemicals whose full …

Lawsuit Filed in 2014 Collapse of North Adams Communications Towers

The owner of two Florida Mountain communications towers that collapsed in 2014 is suing Verizon for nearly $500,000. North Adams Tower Company alleges that upgrades Verizon made to equipment it owns on one of the towers caused it to collapse and take with it a second tower on March 29, 2014. The first tower to collapse was 160 feet tall.