
White House: ACLU Lawsuit Threat Shows Anti-Religion, Anti-Gop Bias

The White House said the American Civil Liberties Union showed its true colors Thursday by threatening a lawsuit to block President Trump’s executive order that protects political speech by religious institutions and faith-based groups. “I don’t think anybody is surprised at the ACLU wants to come out against Republicans,” said White House deputy press secretary Sarah Sanders. “They talk about …

Group Threatens to Sue Over Corps’ Spiritual Fitness Initiative

A plan by the Marine Corps to include spiritual fitness as a component of professional military education is unconstitutional and must be stopped, the leader of a group dedicated to keeping religion out of the military says. Mikey Weinstein, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, told he plans to assemble a class-action lawsuit if the Corps proceeds with its …

Catholic School Staffer Fired for Same-Sex Marriage Goes to Court

In what’s become a familiar story, a Catholic school staff member has been fired for entering into a same-sex marriage — and is fighting back with a lawsuit. Kate Drumgoole was dean of guidance and girls’ basketball coach at Paramus Catholic High School, her alma mater, in New Jersey for several years until she was fired in January, reports New Jersey paper The Record. She had married her …